Drivers Creative Modems

Category: Network & Modems
Manufacturer: Creative
Caution Level: Safe
Download File Size: 3.7 Kb
Operating System: Windows XP
Latest Version / Release Date: 5614 / 03 Nov 2002

Welcome to Creative, the worldwide leader in digital entertainment and famous for its Sound Blaster sound cards, Speakers and more. Since it constantly monitors all device drivers in creative ds1820 modem system and updates them on a regular basis – you can keep crative the full potential of creative ds1820 modem entire system, as it keeps running smoothly even when you upgrade, remove or change any of it’s hardware components. Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest.

Windows device driver information for Creative Modem Blaster Flash56 DE5620-4

The device driver for the Creative Modem Blaster Flash 56 is very flexible. It can support many different types of Operating Systems. It is compatible with most of Windows Operating Systems, including: Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 98 SE, Microsoft Windows Millineum Edition, Microsoft Windows 2000 Workstation, Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Microsoft 2003 Server, Microsoft Windows NT 4 SP 6, Microsoft Windows Millineum Edition, Microsoft Windows 2003 Itanium 64 bit, Microsoft Windows Millineium Edition, Microsoft Windows NT 4 SP 5, Microsoft Windows 2000 SP 4, Microsoft Windows Vista 32 bit, Microsoft Windows XP 64bit, Microsoft Windows NT 4 SP1, Microsoft Windows sERVER 2008 and Microsoft Windows vISTA iTANIUM 64 BIT.

Outdated Drivers?

Unless you update your drivers regularly you may face hardware performance issues.

To check your drivers you should manually verify every device on your system for driver updates

Drivers Creative Modems Free


Zoom Modem Drivers

The Creative Modem Blaster Flash 56 Esternal (DE5620-3) is an external modem. It has a maximum communication protocol of V.90. It has an RS232 Serial bus and has features like data fax or POTS and flash-rom. The modems work by decoding the transmissions and encoding digital information from a carrier signal. It reproduces original data. They measure their speed in bits per second. In the case of personal computers, it transmits digital 1s and 0s into transmitted sounds which is recieved by Plain Old Telephone Systems telephone lines. Once they are transmitted, they get translated into USB form, serial, Ethernet or network connection. They also repeat frames of data over microwave radio links to produce faster and more efficient results. An ITU V.21 standard is used . It carries 300 bits per second using bauds (300 as well). The original standard used phase-shift keying, while this standard uses frequency-shift keying. It is highly recommended you run a free registry scan for Windows and Creative Modem Blaster Flash56 DE5620-4 errors before installing any driver updates.